Florida, also known as Sunshine State, is the third most populated and the 22nd largest state in America spanning over 53,997 square miles. It is the third largest state in terms of water area, having over 11,761 square miles of water, which makes it home to many aquatic mammals for instance alligators. The state is located on a peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Florida.
Most of Florida is low-lying plains, but the northwestern regions are elevated higher than the rest of the state. Snow is a rare occurrence in Florida, and bright sun and a mild breeze characterize Florida's weather with temperatures averaging around 53°F in North Florida and 70°F in South Florida. Fall is the most beautiful season in Central and North Florida, where beautiful flaming colours bath the place through October and November.
Jacksonville is the most populated city in Florida with a population of approximately 850,000. However, in terms of the metropolitan area,
Miami and
Tampa are bigger with Miami being the first and Tampa the second.
St. Petersburg and
Hialeah are the fourth, fifth and sixth biggest cities in Florida.
Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, is the seventh largest city, regarding population, followed by Fort Lauderdale. Florida's state song is "Florida, Where the Sawgrass Meets the Sky".